Biyernes, Marso 7, 2014


(Taglish po ito. Formality bores me. Mga bagay na natutunan ko sa buhay pwedeng walang kwenta para sayo pero baka sa ibang tao mayroon naman po siguro.)
In Life:
  1. Live Life Simply Happy: Do whatever makes you happy. Put loved and patience to it everything you do. Bring smile and high spirit everyday. Don't be so bitter because of your misfortune or unanswered prayer. Learn from your experience. Count your blessings and alays be thankful. Feel the emotions you have if your sad then be sad, if your happy then be happy. Don't turn things too complicated. Have fun with all the people. Do or say something different. Travel outside your comfort zone. Eat your favorite food, watch your favorite movies,concert or show. Write or draw anything that satisfy your mind. Be with those people that can give you joy and happiness. Make the best out of the moment because you will only know the value of it when it becomes a memory.Life is either daring, adventure or boring it is always your choices. Remember life is too short to live normal.
  2. Never Revenge: Let karma play the tricks. Wag mong isipin na gusto mong bawian yung tao na to kasi ganto, ganyan edi wala ka ng pinagkaiba sa kanya. Pagpray mo na lang sya yun yung maganda mong magagawa.Wag ka ng mag-isip ng pambira o masama, si Lord na bahala.
  3. Be Strong and Be Kind:  We encounter lot of hardship, trials and sorrow. Most of the time we are sad and depressed all alone frustrated in all our idealistic desires.And even if we pretend to hide all our fear it just so happen our eyes can not deny and heart couldn't lie. When night come and the light fades away the tears just want to escape that we almost end up crying with all the bullshit that is coming our way. It feels like we just die everyday. And sometimes problems don't stop from multiplying. We our absulotely drowning in the oceans of pain. Tired to mislay in all game. Congratulations welcome to the world of reality where sugar coating thing weren't meant to be. So I suggest be strong. We Live life on our own and we die alone. No one will be there to save you except yourself. Life is rough so you have to be tough enough. Afterall life leaves important lesson and acceptable reason. Be Kind always offer a helping hand because you can. Wag kang madamot ibigay mo yung kaya mong ibigay kasi alam yung pakiramdam ng walang wala yung tipong hindi mo alam kung kanino tatakbo. Samahan mo yung taong nangangailangan ng kasama kasi alam mo ung pakiramdam ng mag-isa. Pakinggan at unawain yung taong gustong magsalita kasi alam mo yung pakiramdam ng hindi na papakinggan. Yakapin mo yung taong nanghihina kasi alam mo yung pakiramdam na walang paghuhugutan ng lakas, yung pakiramdam ng walang kakampi. Laanan mo ng oras yung mga taong kailangan yung tulong mo kasi alam mo yung pakiramdam na walang tumutulong sayo kahit hirap na hirap ka na. Read between the line in every cheerful smile theres million tearful messages that trying to hide. Kaya matuto kang makiramdam at maging mabuting tao sa nakakasalamuha mo kasi bawat isa may itinatagong kwento.
  4. Be True, Be You: Show yourself. Ipakita mo kung sino ka talaga. Mahirap panindigan ang pagpapanggap lalo na pagnasasaktan ka na. Lagi naman may comment yung mga tao. So hayaan mo na sila pag palagi mong iisipin ang sasabihin ng iba ikaw na mismo yung naglagay sa sarili mo sa sitwasyon kahit kailan hindi ka magiging masaya. Ikaw yung may problema. Mas mabuti ng tinanggap ka nila sa pagiging totoo mo ei kung ayaw nila edi wag. You can not please everybody. Love those people who accept you completely kasi sila yung taong mas nakakaunawa sa tunay mong halaga. Huwag mong panghinayangan yung mga taong pinagtabuyan ka hindi ikaw ang nawalan kundi sila.
  5. Love Your Life: Yes Love your life even if it gives you so many reason to unloved it. Even if in your whole being the only bestfriend you have is grief. Still love your life there is some many chances for you to experience the beauty of the world. You were bestow by a gift that some people wish for but run out of it. Be thankful, sorry and happy for somebody. Life is an illusion. We live then we die. Our journey will remain mystery that one day or another no one will remember our existence. We will be lost in the circulation we used to be in. Therefore we are only a single chracter in a story so be the type of cast that the reader will find inspiring and worthy. In the end what matter most is how you spend your time on earth. It is process that makes more sense. 

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