Linggo, Hunyo 10, 2012

God Man and Satan

Do you know Him? Jesus? Our God? What about you do you know Him? What about Satan? Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh !!!! Is there anyone of you know them? How sure you are? How well? How well do you know them? Tell me? Tell me? Tell me? What shall I have to do cry? Hold a knife and kill myself without fear in Him? I knew that we all thought it’s the answer.  
Ladies and Gentlemen lend me your ears I came here not just to showcase my talent and let you watch what I’ve got. But to make you realize and see something good about Him. Maybe you will laugh at some part but then my objective is to touch your heart. How many of you made the wrong turn, decision, choices, and actions in life? Who among you consider themselves as perfect? Oh well, none, no one ! Because you, you and all of us we’re born to be sinners think about this who lifted us when we fail. The judges, the person beside you, your peers or friends and your family? Tell me! The evil who gives you all but after everything what’s next? A life, a miserable life, a life full of darkness !!! hahaha ^.^ How great Satan is! What amazing pleasure he could give! Ask him he’ll give it all 100%. Ooopppst … oOooppst .. never expect that he’ll be there when your alone, in pain and in burden, burden, burden.
People listen to me! There is only one God in this world. There is only one God that we should LOVE only Him the almighty father from up above. Look at me, He is the only answer, solution to all our problems and questions in life but what we do we turn around idolize, patronize some artist, crushes and even MONEY!!! We focus ourselves to those lust and yet we are all busy person when it comes to Him. We have no time to pray and go to churches on Sunday.Reflect to yourself, How well is your relationship to God?
Fellowmen! I want you to raise your hand if you believe that there is God. Well thank you. I am just reminding you rain or shine in your life you must talk to Him. Approach Him.Listen carefully PEOPLE ca betrayed you, can hurt you nor reject you but He, He just love you so much. Everybody in this world can leave you alone but He, He won’t. Because God is good, all the time. No matter who you are gangster, emo, jejemons, rockista, punk, politician, religious or ordinary human we are all loved by God as one unconditionally you just have to trust Him and always walk with Him faithfully and I surely promise that your empty journey of life will change into something new and meaningful. A journey without regrets.
Before I this up, I will leave you one question. What life do you have? Lets pause for a moment and think of it. Ladies and Gentlemen, thank you for sharing a part of your heart and lending me your ears. God Bless to  all

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