Lunes, Enero 27, 2014


Somehow we need to face the reality that by nature people commit mistakes even the most people we love. Its normal we are all humans we screw up and make decisions we actually thought right for us. But in the end we are created with ears to listens, eyes to see, brain to understand touch to feel, soul to forgive, and heart to love. We are made up of senses that we could use to learn to feel the pain and accept things to keep going to our journey that was once ruin. Maybe by events, someone or maybe by us. Trusting is a lifetime to build but a second to destroy. Yet it doesnt mean to let go of the one who betrayed you instead make them feel that what they did shake you but will never break you. Give them the conscience that afterall you choose to forgive and forget to give you peace of mind and it is up to them if they will be guilty or will sincerly apologize. 

The simple point is we grow up and matured. And that what matter most being in the process of healing and dealing to life more positive and alive. Undergoing to the changes which will actually make you feel better person. Someone who are stronger and tougher than the usual one you used to. Let go of the hatred. If you hurt someone that burried them in so much pain learn to say sorry and of course be truthful with your words. Prove to them that you mean it. And if someone do the same to you forgive them. Pray for their goods and better changes in life. If the Lord can forgive how much more you are? Sometimes the one who dont forgive and move on is being a prisoner of his own anger. So free yourself you are too beautiful creature to stressed out yourself for something can be improve through times.

"keep moving forward look back but never go back. Forgiving means you dont have any emotions at what happen. You accept it already and you choose to move on."

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