Sabado, Pebrero 1, 2014

God Has A Plan

I Don’t Understand, But God Has A Plan…
I don’t understand, but God has a plan…
A plan to not bring me harm, but to prosper and provide for me
Even when I do not understand myself…
I just remember that God has a plan, and it’s an AWESOME plan
I may not always know what I want or how I feel
But I am reassured, because I know that God has a plan…
God’s plan has no limits and he understands me completely.
When I am weary with tears, God is there to say “its ok my child”
I understand your pain; remember to trust in me, I won’t fail you
My promises are golden, they are cast in stone, and you can count on me always
I don’t understand, but God has a plan
A plan to teach me understanding, having hope in things unseen
Knowing that God is working behind the scene to correct the wrongs
And showing me that the greatest part of his plan…
 Is learning to love and trust again

God does have a plan and it’s an AWESOME plan!

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