Sabado, Pebrero 1, 2014

I'm Alright

Its 12am, 24 months ago when you said you like me so. I just laughed and said that's the funniest joked i ever heard. You said your serious that you want to know everything about me and my family. Then I refused because I knew we are meant to be friends. I don't liked that concepts of breaking up.

The days run by so quickly. And I didn't even noticed that we’re almost there. We sleep late at night chatting and texting like we have no classes the other day. When I said I am lonely you will called me and sing “Your song by parokya ni edgar”. Suddenly I felt like your voice was the most beautiful sound . I’ve heard then you will cracked a joke. I can feel that your doing your best to hear me laughing. You told me all your dreams and want even your dirty little secrets. You help me solve my problem and I was your favorite cheerleader. I told you I felt sick you drop by in our house at around 2pm. I have to make the softest voice so that no one will be waken from their sleeps. Your eyes that was so worried and concerned. The care you showed. It makes me feel so special.

I thought we could settled for that relationship. Where we could be both happy without limits. But I still don't know what make you change your mind. In spite of all I'm happy that you become part of my memory. I'm sad you surrender in this game called love. But then what ever you had today, all I wish is a good thing for you two.

Its 12am 24months ago. How come it end and were now both stranger. I do respect if shes jealous about me. I will distance myself. If thats the only thing to make you happy.

Dont worry I will endure the pain. I know it clear that I have no rights we’ve never been official. So Im Alright.

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